Productional facts

Company name

B. Engelhardt & Co AB

Business identity code

A limited liability company duly incorporated and organized under the laws of Sweden

Production site

Same as the head office:

Post address

Box 49
SE-421 21 Västra Frölunda Sweden

Visiting address

Reningsverksgatan 10 421 47 Västra Frölunda Sweden


Production area, in 1972, 2012, 2017 and 2020/2021

Warehouse 1972, 1998, 2009, 2020/2021

Capacity/sales volume

Total capacity of mixing, approx. 12000 MT

Yearly volume, average 4000 MT

Trading volume, approx. 8000 MT

Production scope

Mixing of dry powders, containing nutritional and functional ingredients. Trading/storage of functional ingredients.
Packaging B2B and consumer packages (private labels).
Production equipment and process charts may be handed out on request.


Capacity approx. 5000 square meters, indoor, sealed packages
Room temperature or lower when needed.
IT managed (OHS)

Goods arriving are visually inspected, checked for CoA/CoC Products identified as risk are placed at quarantine at arrival


By external contracted carriers Complying to the FSSC22000 standard.